56 Total Points
7 Bonus Points
Favorite Style : Light Lager
6 Beers Tasted
12 Beers to Bonus
60 Beers Left to Try

Pint Status


JMAKEITRAIN247's Beer Rating: C (Mediocre)
On the beer scale, my friend, you score consistently 800 on your SAT's. You're more likely to drink an average beer than anything else. It's not a criticism, the world needs average people. Who else would sit in all those cubicles? You respect authority; Are probably obsessed with Casey Anthony, and listen to pop music. We think you're a better person, though. So please stretch.

JMAKEITRAIN247's Bonus Point Detail (Hide?)

Favorite Beer
Bud Light

Anheuser Busch Inbev
St. Louis, MO
Style: Light Lager