57 Total Points
12 Bonus Points
Favorite Style : Light Lager
3 Beers Tasted
15 Beers to Bonus
63 Beers Left to Try

Pint Status


A BRUNO's Beer Rating: D (Below Avg)
"Where's the party?" is probably the most-asked question by you and your peers. You are a people person who seeks out the company of others whether in a group or just one-to-one. Some call you needy but they just don't understand. For some strange reason, you are more likely than average to buy recycled products yet you own three or more flat-screen TVs.

A BRUNO's Point Detail (Hide?)
4/28/2023: Order #452705: 8 pts
1/15/2021: Order #380537: 37 pts
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Favorite Beer
Bud Light

Anheuser Busch Inbev
St. Louis, MO
Style: Light Lager